BKK VerbundPlus is a statutory health insurance fund based in Munich. The number of members has grown steadily in recent years. BKK VerbundPlus currently has around 140,000 members.

Th starting point
The management of large volumes of incoming paper and email at 5 different locations in connection with a high number of 759 document types urgently required the digitization and centralization of incoming mail.
The task
BKK VerbundPlus wants to automate its business processes, shorten processing times and improve communication with its members in order to digitize the entire organisation. The aim is to avoid media discontinuity and optimize communication with employers and service providers. The prerequisite for this is the development of a consistent incoming mail solution for all incoming channels.
The solution
All communication channels such as phone, letter, fax, email and digital data streams can be processed automatically via the central NOVO CxP platform: Senders are identified, content is recognized, extracted and prepared for further processing. Data from processed emails is recorded according to specific rules and archived in a legally compliant manner. This ensures that the processing is up-to-date on a daily basis.
The results
All incoming mail (fax, email, letter mail, etc.) is now automatically processed through a central inbox in one location. The number of document classes has been reduced to 218, and approximately 1 million documents are processed automatically each year. This has significantly reduced processing times and improved service for policyholders.
The low-code platform NOVO CxP also enables the customer to adapt workflows independently. For example, the process "accident questionnaire" process was implemented by BKK VerbundPlus independently.
At a glance

All incoming mail is processed automatically via a central inbox at one location.

Processing times were reduced and up-to-the-minute processing was achieved. This has significantly improved service to policyholders.

Customers can independently customize workflows and create entirely new process workflows.